Tuesday, April 29, 2014

1.11 The Writing Journey

1.11 The Writing Journey

Why do I write?

An interesting question. I guess I already covered the physical journey of my writing experience in the first blog, but that doesn't answer the question of why.

Lets go further back. I learnt to read at a young age thanks to the fantastic Peter and Jane book series. One of my earliest memories is of the book where they go to a birthday party. Later memories are of trawling book shops trying to find the elusive book 8c, or 12b or whatever missing part to the series I wanted to find.

From there the classic children's authors captured my imagination. Enid Blytons many many fantastic adventures - most notably Brier Rabbit, the Magic Faraway Tree and the Tales of Mr Pinkwhistle. Roald Dahl's superb collection begun by having The Twits read at school and then progressing through all his stories in my own time.

Just before becoming a teenager Brian Jacques was my new author and whilst my peers spent their pocket money on cassette tapes, LPs and later the latest CD's - I floated through the magical land of Martin the Warrior, and Redwall. To this day the delight I took in the Mole speech accent or scottish accents of the Northern Eagles is a bright glowing memory. Burr hurr, oi does loikes a gudd story oi do.

I smirk again, seeing some irony with me living in the West Country these days where Mole speech isn't a thousand miles from what I hear everyday. Ha!

I think it is pretty fair to say that a lifelong passion for reading has something to answer for when it comes to asking why I also enjoy to write.

Happy Writing :-)

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