Tuesday, April 29, 2014

1.4 Writing Fact and Fiction

1.4 Writing Fact and Fiction

The first writing task on the course then : 

1) Write a paragraph (50 to 100 words) containing one fact and three fictitious elements.

2) Then try the reverse – write a paragraph containing three facts and one fictitious element.

Let's see how this goes. 

1) It seemed strange to be 32 years old and yet still feel like a teenager. Surely I should grow up at some point and act like an adult! Running a hand through my long black hair I suppressed a sigh and picked up the next piece of ironing. Just ten more items to go!

2) With a start Bogey the dog looked up at my approach. Her black fur was matted, her eyes a little cloudy. Not surprising considering she's well over twenty years old. Clearly she's enjoyed a long happy life though and I can't help but smile as she licks my hand.

Trickier than it seemed! Extra facts kept trying to sneak in!

Can you spot my fabrications? In the next part I'll spill the beans, as well as be taking a look at some other people's paragraphs for myself.

Happy Writing :-)

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